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Infinite Loop

The game of Ayo, also known as Ayò Ọlọ́pọ́n, is a traditional Yoruba board game, widely regarded as one of the oldest in the world. This article invites you to solve a puzzle from a particular game that seems to have no clear ending.

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Pan Africanism, Wakanda and Nyeungana

This article briefly delves into the meanings and origins of Pan Africanism, Wakanda, and Nyeungana. Exploring the connections between these concepts. If you’re already familiar …

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Puppet VS Puppet Master

Did you ever watch the movie The Departed? In that film, if I remember correctly there was a corrupt FBI agent, that served as a puppet to a Mob boss (the puppet master)…

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What is Love?

Love seems to be a key desire that most humans seek. In fact, I believe a lot of people might even say love is the single most important human LIFE experience.

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The Dawn of a New World

It is with great pleasure that the trustees of Nyeusi will like to announce that VIAC (Vision in Aid of Citizens) has become the first Charity to sign up to the Nyeungana Vision.

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Noah’s Ark, 7 Day Theory

Grandma, what are you reading?
“I’m reading about Laws and Contracts,” replied the Grandma.
“Did you know that contracts in essence are promises backed by the law?.”

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A Buddhist Monk based in Asia decided to go on an advertised conference to the UK hoping he might get to meet legends such as Dennis Rodman. In the spirit of experiencing…

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Grandma, you said you will tell me the story about mirrors and how it seems that some black people were sold into slavery in return for something as silly as a mirror.

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Rocks and Roses

A sad Liberian girl called Nene, walked up to her grandma who was in the middle of drinking a jug of Emu. Why are you so sad? said the grandma who was in the middle of…

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All The King’s Men

Over a drink or two, in a bid to get their friend to concentrate on the positive aspect of her life, the conversation turned to the single friend’s career aspiration.

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Art Exhibition

Artist: The Shadow Of The Don Killuminati II
Published: 01/05/2020
Cost: FREE

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Self Hate, Self Harm

A book By Oluwagbemileke Afariogun.
This book is based on a fictional interview of the winner of a fictional competition, Black Reverend Award 2018 by a young journalist.

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