English Swahili
All The King’s Men
Three different ethnic minority couple in a London university went to a pub to help cheer up their newly single white female friend who was cheated on. Over a drink or two, in a bid to get their friend to concentrate on the positive aspect of her life, the conversation turned to the single friend’s career aspiration. She said she wanted to be either Head of Technology, CTO or CEO of a blue-chip company. Then be a non-exec and finally go into government in the UK, US or France as she is half French. Interesting! Is this plausible? One of the ethnic minority male said.
I wonder why there are none-to-so-few of us in these roles. Furthermore, I wonder what the person in charge of equality in these organisations will have to say for themselves if we were to ask him why we are so underrepresented, and why aren’t the very few of us in these roles speaking out. Perhaps they feel like their position is precarious if they spoke out, or maybe they believe the hype, feeling extra special that they are apparently one of a very selected few that are capable of performing these roles.
At this point, a very opinionated male member of the group said, here goes you minorities again. It’s very obvious what the person will say isn’t it? There are not enough of us that are qualified and capable of doing these jobs. What are you trying to say? That employment into these roles are based on some kind of distorted nepotism? Everybody knows all you need to get into these roles is a bit of hard work & dedication. Just like the people in these roles now.
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