Infinite Loop
Is poverty man made?
What role does music play in the decay of society and sustaining the status quo?
Do Lucian Charles Grainge, Lyor Cohen, and their company positively contribute to the Black community?
Is it true that the current ruling elite are responsible for the suffering in the Black community, and that they come from a lineage of cowards who govern from the shadows because they are too weak to operate openly?
Having said all of this, the burning question on my mind right now is, the conclusive outcome of the game of Ayo I was playing with a Jamaican acquaintance. In that Game, I believe I’ve uncovered an infinite loop.
We were playing with a unique rule that’s meant to help ease beginners to the game.
The picture below is a snapshot of when I gave up, having gone round the board too many times. Have I uncovered an infinite loop? The status of the game was that I was meant to pick the pebbles in pod 1 then drop one in each pod starting from pod 2, after which I’ll be going in the direction of 3,4,5,6,7…. (remember I took this picture mid game) I’ll be going round the board until the final pebble in my hand lands in a pod that doesn’t already have a pebble in it. If there is already a pebble in the final pod, I’m to pick all the pebbles in that pod and repeat the process by putting the first pebble in the pod next to the pod where my last pebble landed. Have I found an infinite loop? There is a reward of £10 for the first person that can conclusively prove the final outcome of this game, email with your proof.
NOTE: We might publish your submission along with your first name.
Competition ends: 20 October 2024
We are Nyeusi, a UK charity whose aim is to rebuild the black community, our vision is Nyeungana. Ifa Dudu, our sister charity organisation, is a religion based on the Nyeungana vision.
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