English Swahili
Art Exhibition
Artist: The Shadow Of The Don Killuminati II
Published: 01/05/2020
Cost: FREE
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This exhibition is dedicated to victims of rich and powerful pedophile and sexual violence rings because The Hate U Give Lil infant F**ks Everybody.
Dear beautiful children of God,
I urge you to share your stories with loved ones and authorities, note down the names of people in authority that you have spoken to and tell others the name of those in authority you’ve reported the crime to. In case they end up not taking your case seriously. There is no space in society for these types of people and their enablers.
You don’t need to feel ashamed when you get justice for your pain. When you pursue justice then that pain can be seen as the scars of war that you will expect to see on any hero/warrior. Yes, you are a hero, when you seek justice. After all what else does a hero mean?
Yours truly
Disclaimer of Opinion: This is a blog and is presented as such. Any suggestions, claims or assertions made is presented only as an opinion. It does not make any factual, scientific, or legal claims in anyway.

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